dear sunshine face.
crazy dont you think? a whole year passed by. youre no longer my tiny peanut. youre my big boy now. (even bigger now at 19 months, hehe)
you know, when i was growing up, i used to dream about being married and having kids. but i never imagined it being as great as it actually is. you are by far the most fantastic human being to ever be born. the things you do. silly things, funny things. the things you learn everyday. just watching you and staring into your eyes brings the greatest joy to my heart. life before you barely exhists. almost like you've been here forever.
you love to laugh and dance and you love to snuggle. (you still do)
you got your 9th and 10th teeth this month. my early teething boy.
this was an exciting month for mommy. i started doing child care. allowing me to spend even more time with you. i wouldnt change that for anything in the world. i feel so blessed to be able to spend my days with you. and you get to have a BFF ;) miss mica. we love her.
time to share with pictures.
here you are enjoying some of mamas curry ;)
playing with papa while we wait for grandma and papas brand new car
grandma and you with the "hulk"
here you are after a meeting one sunday in sept. you spewed on yourself and of course i had nothing to change you into, so naked baby at the meeting you were. i think the ties a nice little touch ;)
my happy boy ;) wearing one of my most fav outfits. it was a sad day when you outgrew those green overalls.
enjoying a nice slab of cake our neighbor baked for you
and of course, at the dr. for your one year check up.
so this month you were saying about 8 words. hi, bye, mama, dadda, nana, papa, hey and apple.
you could walk with furniture.
you started fake laughing (like a hyena) love to drink water, pull yourself to a stand up, sing, clap wave and high five are a few of your fav things this month.
i made this to compare the changes you made in one whole year
and a cute end of year pic to capture and remember all the things you loved.
i love you my sweet boy. you bring so much happiness to my life, you have no idea. you are a great kid. you love everyone. and have so much fun living everyday.
i think about you constantly kiddo. youre always on my mind.
you stole my heart the day you were born baby.
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