Saturday, February 12, 2011

colins 5 month letter

dear baby bean

5 months today my son. 5 whole months.

you seemed to be a busy lil guy these past few weeks.

you can stand assisted. you found your toes. you got your first 2 teeth already which was very shocking. and you teethed like a champ. i guess you have great pain tolerence. you learned how to roll from tummy to back. that was a really exciting one for us, but you've yet to prove it to daddy of course. you also got to try some "solid" food which you've been dying for weeks to. & of course you loved whatever was being shoveled into your mouth. i think you take after daddy. you tried rice cereal and oatmeal so far. both are a win win.

next month you will get to advance to even more deliciousness. like sweet potatoes, bananas and mangos, carrots and peas. theres no doubt in my mind youre going to love it all.

some other things you love right now are anything musical or brightly coloured. you respond well to toys which interact with you too. your fav toys at the moment are your singing noahs arc and your talking tigger. of course they are kept at grandma and grandpas though, hehe.

you still love to be on your back mostly during the day. kicking and squealing away and swatting at your toys.

you try to sit up on your own, but its not going too well. you tend to flop right over after a few seconds. but thats okay. take your time dear son, you have plenty of time to grow.

i have to say your most fav activity is to stand. you can stand by yourself holding onto something or by being held. its cute. you use the coffee table a lot to lean on or mommy and daddys hands.

and when youre in a laying down position, if we pull you up, you go straight into standing, you pretty much refuse to sit or bend your legs.

this week has been a rough one for you. you unfortunately caught your first cold. its sad and it breaks mommys heart. but you will overcome it soon, im sure. youre a tough little cookie. but because your not feeling yourself, you just sleep a lot. all day and all night. and your face is a mess. all the sneezing and coughing is making you miserable, yet you still smile and laugh.

at your dr. appt you got your 2nd round of vaccines, and you did great. nothing even comparable to last time. sure you cried for a little bit, but you were fine and back to normal within a few min. it was like it never happened. i think its because you have some chunk to your thighs now.

you weighed 14lbs 13oz and were 26" long. thats a long way since a tiny 6lb baby at birth. although youre still tiny in my eyes.

youre still very social and love to talk to everyone. today at the grocery store i had a lady pretty much say she wanted to steal you. i get compliments after compliments about how cute you are. i think you know it too. as soon as someone looks your way, you bat your eyes and give them the biggest smile and coo and laugh.

you graduated from your bassinet to your pack and play. mommy and daddy arent ready for you to be in your big boy crib yet in your own room. mommy still shines a light on you every 30 min to make sure youre okay.

well big boy, i love you more and more every single second of the day. & sometimes i think i will explode with love for you. you complete my world son and im so thankful to have you.

love mama