Wednesday, October 27, 2010

explosive diaper

well boy, let me tell you i will never forget today. you gave mommy quite a shock earlier on this afternoon. you see, for awhile now you've had some issues with bowel movements. they seem somewhat painful for you and you really push to get rid of them. so when we went to see the dr. on tues, i made him aware of your little issue. he perscribed you some baby constipation relief. so this morning grampee picked you up some at the store.

after we got up for your 2nd feeding of the day, i gave you some. now when i say gave you some, i mean, mommy was very tired and i guess loopy from lack of sleep so i didnt fully read how to medicate you ... im sorry son. when i should have mixed it with water or milk, i actually just gave it to you straight. YOU SCREAMED at me for a good 10 min. i guess it was pretty nasty. ugh, mama feels horrible. but we think you ended up with a tiny bit of it, (even though you spit that stuff up for a good couple hours later) because about 40 min later, you crapped your pants like never before. i think you possibly could have lost 2 lbs, for real!

i didnt even realise you made a stinky diaper, because when i went to grab you, there IT was. sliding out of your diaper onto your blanket (from nanny cathie) and onto our couch. GROSS! never in my wildest imagination did i think you would do that one day. BUT i laughed, and sighed some relief, because i was quite happy you pooped. it had been more than a day, and you were miserable. but after exploding your pants you were back to your happy lil self that we all know and love.

even though mommy was almost gagging and laughing to tears changing you, i couldnt be happier. seeing you smile and coo because you got me back with stinky revenge is priceless.

love you son.


p.s next time im saving that diaper for daddy!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

funny kiddo

oh son. you are far too funny these days.

take thurs night. we got to the meeting, just you and i. daddy wasnt ready to go, and i didnt feel like waiting around forever to take him. you'd think it was you being the newborn causing us to be late everywhere, but nope, its really your father ;) but shhh! dont tell.

anywho, it was snowing. your very first snowfall. im not too sure what you thought. the flakes were landing on your tiny itty bitty face, and you just blinked in a little shock probably wondering why mama would allow such freezing cold soft white things touch you. i cleaned off the car, and off we went.

i didnt want you to have to freeze again, so i took you in leaving the car at the door. i gave you to my uncle to pass you onto aunty. i went and parked.

i knew you were hungry so i wasnt sure how you were going to react when i finally came inside. i sat down and you seemed fine. i think you were fussing a tad so i went to make a bottle for you. when i came back you were fast asleep. but i tickled your feet and woke you. i knew you wanted to eat more than sleep.

aunty passed you back to me as she wanted to share an answer. it was during your uncles part too. so he called on her and everything was going great, until you decided to let a huge wet ripper out, and it just happend to pass into the microphone projecting your fart even louder and over the speakers. OH BOY!! how embarassing. the crowd laughed and aunty lost it. she had to leave she was laughing so hard. i followed soon after because i was losing my cool too.

but it didnt end there ... we were at the water cooler when you let another one just as loudly as the first one go, making it seem like it was aunty who passed the horrid smell. hehehe.

now mama thinks shes got a little prankster on her hands. what am i to do ??



p.s dont ever stop making mama laugh. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


dear colin

you've been having a little bit of trouble these past few days. you're just not your happy self lately. i think you're having a hard time with stomach issues. poor thing.

but that sure changed tonight!

i was in the middle of feeding you earlier on in the evening, and you FINALLY were able to poop. it was 24 hrs since your last movement. you let out a lot of loud gas and it went on for a good 10 min. when i seen you were done, i was going to finish your feeding ... BUT you had other plans. you blew right through your diaper and poo was leaking out your onesie right onto mamas arm. you sure had me shocked son!

it took a good 5-6 wet wipes to clean you off. you had it everywhere. down your legs and on your feet. haha, what a sight to see and SMELL. you must get that from your father ;)

anyways, i decided it might be a good time to bathe you. so into the tub you went.

until next time lil man. i wonder whats in store for mama tomorrow. hmm ....



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

first smiles

im 99% positive i got my first "real" smiles today. of course, it was during a diaper change but who says a boy cant be happy getting his junk wiped :)

i was trying to distract him with a teddy bear his grammie and grampie got him the day after he was born. its a cute white one wearing a blue t shirt that states where colin was born. super cute and soft. i was making kissing sounds and pressing it against his lips. when all of a sudden, he perked right up and smiled. *sigh* my heart swelled.

these are the moments you wait for. these are the moments that make me see past the pooped on fingers, peed on clothes and covered head to toe in vomit ;) (yes son, you definately surprised mummy when everything sitting in your belly projectile vomited all over me. good thing daddy was home to help because i sure didnt know what to do, hehe.)

so at one month old you shared your gorgeous little smile. you know the one. the one which didnt mean "haha i got gas" or "oooh crapping my pants than sitting in it sure feels so good". this was an actual, "haha, my mums funny" kind of smile. i look forward to a lifetime of those baby boy. so continue to share them with the world!

i love you darlin'



Friday, October 8, 2010

colins one month letter

dear colin (a.k.a gnome, buttons, elf, lil man and the list goes on)
mummy and daddy are so happy you've joined our family son. we love you to pieces.

you've grown and changed so much in this past month, i can barely believe it. sometimes, i don't want to believe it but i have to accept that you're getting older.

you do so many new things every day it seems. you're a very alert baby aware of everyone around you. you follow voices and are now begining to follow objects with your eyes. mommy gets so excited over these little things. im so proud of you son. im proud to be your mama too.

i think pretty soon, you'll be smiling and baby laughing. i can't wait for these moments. for now, i think they just mean you're gassy or you're pooping ;) but don't tell grammie and grampie that. they think you're advanced, hehe. but mommy knows you best, and her heart will just know when you first start smiling.

you've met a lot of people in your short time being with us. you're so popular son, especially among the ladies. you're definately going to be a little heart breaker.
speaking of meeting people, you attract every stranger we pass by. they always stop and want to stare at you. no matter where we go, people want to meet you. you're just such a little cutie, we all want a piece of you.
we've done a lot of things with you so far. we try to get you out and about every now and than. you've gone to restaurants, shopping, short walks, drives and have visited with a lot of friends and family. you seem to enjoy being out and about, and have only had a handful of meltdowns.

you're really good at letting mama know what you want when you want it. you have two very distinct cries. one we've nicked named the "billy goat" which is your way of telling us "I'M STARVING, HELLO FEED ME NOW" & the other ones more of a light whine meaning, "give me attention please, im lonely" (don't know how its possible for you to ever be lonely though, you're held more than any other baby EVER ... mama has to say NO sometimes so you get used to being on your own)
so far son, you're an easy baby. you barely cry. you're just always happy, relaxed and chilled out. when somethings off with you, mummy tries her very best to figure out what it is you need or want and fix it for you immediately.

you sleep and eat like a champ! you want mummys buffet all the time it seems, but you're a hungry growing boy! you sleep pretty often, but you're awake just as much too. night time is going okay. you let us have a good 4-5 hours in a row most nights. the problem is when you get up you want to feed for hours, which is pretty hard for your mama, because i struggle to stay awake with you.
well mr. colin james, im really happy we finally got to meet you. we were all so curious to when you would make your appearance, and who you would resemble most. i think you definately got your daddys good looks ;) (but mamas tiny nose).

speaking of daddy, you're definately a daddys boy. he can have you asleep in a matter of seconds. he can calm you down and attend your needs no matter whats wrong. i think its probably because when you were born, he was the one who would take to you when you were upset or angry or just could'nt sleep. he'd run to you the moment you made a peep and he would cradle you and rock you back to your happy self. mama was laid up in bed healing from your delivery but watching you with daddy sure warms my heart.

im just so thrilled you're here. welcome to the world you beautiful lil boy who manages to bring an intense ever growing love into my heart. keep on smiling babe! i love you lil guy.

love, mama