Tuesday, June 28, 2011

colins 9 month letter

dear buttons.

you turned 9 months old this month. youre 9.5 months now. mamas last again. sorry pooky.

we've done quite a few new and fun things with you this month.

you took your first sink bath this month. you loved it. you managed to flood my kitchen, but you certainly had a blast doing it.

you also went to your first district convention this month. you were awesome, as always. you met new friends and played with old ones. we had a picnic lunch outside in the beautiful sunshine, which is your favorite place to be. you went to the fri sessions in kitchener and sat and sun in sudbury.

with daddy in sudbury on the sun lunch break

with mama on the sat before the sessions started

you got to see a lot of friends the weekend we went away to sudbury, your birthplace. heres just a few of the friends you love so much.

you with aunty rachel

heres you with aunty rachel when you were just 3 days old

a very recent one with uncle zac

and again with uncle zac, but you were only 3 days old

with aunty nessa when she came to visit us this month

with aunty nessa when you were just a tiny 3 day old baby

with your uncle brandon (my brother)

with uncle brandon when you werent even 24 hrs old

and aunty ashley

again but not even 24 hrs old

with aunty amanda

but aunty amanda was too nervous to hold you when you were just a wittle wee baby so i dont have a picture to compare. sorry my boy!

we cant forget uncle a.j. this was in may.

& when proud uncle a.j met you at 4 days old

these are just a few faces of all the friends and family you have who love you to no end. youre one popular little boy.

this month you told us you no longer wanted to be swaddled. this comes as a blessing, because i was getting very tired of re wrapping you up all thru the night.

you're also recently learning to sleep on your own, in your own bed, in your own room. this makes mummy and daddy very happy. we love having you in our room, but you kick, pinch, pull hair and slap in your sleep. not so fun my son. not so fun at all. but youre doing great with it, and we are very proud of you.

you also have 6 teeth now. i cant believe it. 3 on the top and 3 on the bottom. it will be 8 teeth in a matter of days im sure.

you love to stand up on your own and use our hands to pull yourself up. you pulled yourself up with a toy bin once, all on your own. you scared yourself though, so you havent tried it again.

youre 9.5 months, but youre feet are still as small as they when you were only a month or two old. you still wear your shoes you had for newborn and 0-3 months. youre feet got wider but not really much bigger. its cute.

youre eating 3-4 jars of food a day plus all the snacks you can get a hold of. cheerios, puffs, cheese, yogurt, bread and whatever else i feel you may like. you love soup too which is great because soup is mamas favorite too. i let you have pancake and you loved it. screamed in joy over it.

your favorite songs are old macdonald and an italian song your great grandfather loved. you could be screaming and throwing a tantrum and as soon as we play that song, you immediately stop and just listen. you love it and we play it all the time for you, over and over and over ... its called "Eh Cumpari!" its from the 1950's. its about all kinds of different instruments and what sounds they each make. mummy and daddy heard it one night we were on a date night and we knew you would love it. sure enough it quickly became your favorite song.

you are our music baby. you love anything musical. you love to sing. clap. kick you legs to the music and throw your hands around.

youre learning to wave and clap your hands. you mastered typing on uncle brandons old baby computer that you use now. you do the two fingered typing, hehe.

you love to reach out to everyone now. if someone puts their hands out to you, you almost always put yours out too.

you have your own baby grunting language thats really cute. you grunt at me when youre telling me "more" or "look" at this mama or "watch" me mum!

we are all so happy to have you here baby boy. youre a blessing and a complete joy. youre getting so big and learning things every single day.

i love you so much. i cant wait for even more memories to make with you. i say it all the time, life before you just doesnt exhist. its like youve always been here with us.

keep smiling baby boy. because you bring the greatest feelings to everyone around you.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

colins 8 month letter

daer monkey man.

youre 8 months old now (tech youre nearly 9 months old, mamas a little late this month)

and boy youre busy. youre not mobile quite yet, but youre getting there. i mean busy doing things. play dates and outings. youre such an outdoors baby. you love grass, water and sand. you sit like a professional and youre working on crawling. for now, you rock back and forth to get you places. but everyday youre that much closer.

some new foods youre enjoying are cottage cheese and some solids. youve tried chunks of blueberries and bread with jam. you also love these little puffs we buy you.

we took you to your first zoo, and you had a blast. youre fav part of the whole zoo was the water feature they had. you were ready to leap from my arms and dive into the pond. silly boy.


you being so interested in the water got me thinking that i should get you your own pool. so thats what i did. you love it! i think you would splash all day if i let you.

(testing it without water)

(again, with water on our balcony)

this month i took you to our downtown lake and you loved being there. youre a people watcher so you enjoyed seeing everyone. you went on the swings and met a new friend. everywhere you go you seem to make new friends. youre quite the social butterfly.

because you loved it so much, ive taken you a handful of times. we've even gone stroller blading. which is really fun for mama :)

with the weather being so nice, i take you on picnics and walks and we roll around in the dirt. you laugh and we play silly games and sing songs. youre a lot of fun. i never get bored with you around baby boy.

you still love meeting new people and you love the ladies. especially blondes. you stare at all the pretty ladies and flirt with them. which of course they love every min of and soak up every sec spent with you.

everywhere we go, strangers constantly flock to me and comment on how adorable and gorgeous you are. it still shocks me. BUT honestly, you are really that cute! its so bad i have to plan sometimes to leave an extra 30 min before needing to arrive somewhere because i know we'll be stopped multiple times by strangers.

i mean look at your face. its beyond perfect.

you have the tiniest cutest button nose ive ever seen on a baby. your smile is breathtaking with your toothy gums. your eyes are so pretty they mirror a gorgeous blue ocean. ahhh! youre just so adorable, i cant get over it.

you seriously are the brad pitt of babies!

well my son, i love you more than words can express and each day my love doubles for you. you make me laugh and smile daily. and because of you i do crazy strange things that only other mamas would understand. like belting out you are my sunshine while pumping gas just to hear you giggle. or i prance around in high heels kicking my feet just to watch you fall over from laughing so hard.

please dont ever change. youre a shining star and the world is a better place to be in because youre here with us.

you amaze me boy and life is 100x better now that your here.

i love you colin.